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2024-05-16 22:21| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、If you want to keep the weight down, switch to a meat-free diet, scientists said.科学家说,希望体重持续减轻,就改吃无肉饮食。

2、Porters ants can hold 52 times the equivalent weight of the object.搬运工蚂蚁还能举起相当于自身体重52倍的物体。

3、The branch snapped off under the weight of the snow.那树枝在积雪的重压下啪的一声折断了。

4、This meant Voyager could lift and carry many times its weight in fuel.这意味着“航行者”号可以携带着它本身重量许多倍的燃料升空。

5、Can you tell me what is the weight of this letter?可不可以告诉我这封信的重量呢?

6、Drinking Coca Cola does not contribute to weight gain.喝可口可乐不会导致体重增加。

7、The Development of Weight Initialization Methods for MFN多层前向神经网络权值初始化的研究进展

8、These constitute from 7 to 20 percent of the weight of dried black tea.这类物质占干红茶重量的7~20%。

9、Garlic, ginger etc. promotes the yellow condiment of weight reduction.大蒜,生姜等促进瘦身的黄色调味品。

10、The damage that trucks do to highways escalates dramatically with the weight borne per axle.卡车对公路的破坏随着每根车轴承受的重量而急剧增加。

11、Men who can eat anything they want and not gain weight should do it out of sight of women.那些永远吃不胖的男人都应该消失在女人面前。

12、In separating breeding, two major indicators, cocoon weight and vitality of tussah were selected.采用系统分离育种方法,对柞蚕全茧重和生命力两项主要指标进行平衡选择。

13、The receptive array with directivity in the vertical plane has weight effect on the incident wave.具有垂直方向指向性的接收基阵对入射声波有方向加权效应。

14、Posts weight and shipping charges.货物重量和运费。

15、Winter melon can help detoxify and aid weight loss.冬瓜利于排毒,也有助于减肥。

16、It stays with you regardless of the bulk of your biceps or the weight of your coin purse.当你无视全身肌肉块的大小和钱包的轻重的时候,它就与你同在了。

17、Notice how weight is defined to take no parameters and return Int?注意查看如何定义weight使其不带有任何参数并返回Int。

18、Your BMI is your weight divided by the square of your height, and multiplied by 732.你的体重指数是用你的重量除以高度的平方,然后再乘上732。

19、To increase the weight or body of(fabrics) by treating with chemicals.作加重处理用化学制品来增加(织物)的重量或质地

20、Formerly, a book is worth its weight in silver, if not in gold先前,一本书如果不用黄金来衡量的话,与相同重量的白银价值相当。

21、Follow the Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight pyramid.遵循“梅奥健康体重金字塔”。

22、Drones scan't support much weight yet, so the team opted for a paper tabletop.飞翔家具还无法承受过多的重量,因此研究团队选用了纸质台面。

23、In addition, weight loss leading to iron deficiency anemia is also a major cause of cooling.此外,由于减肥导致的缺铁性贫血也是致冷的一大原因。

24、Hourglass ? Female, because over time, the weight can shift to the bottom.滴漏-女人,因为随着时间推移,它的重量向底部转移。

25、Grain weight mainly depended on the hull size.粒重高低主要取决于谷壳的大小

26、With your calves on either side of his back, support his weight on the backs of your thighs.小腿放在他背部的两侧,用你大腿的背面支撑住他的体重。

27、Maintaining a healthy weight lowers risk for arthritis in the knees.保持正常体重也能减少患关节炎的风险。

28、It is also lighter in weight and lower in price with b road market prospect不仅质量轻,而且价格便宜,具有广阔的市场前景。

29、The fence will break if you lean your weight on it.如果体把全身重量都靠在栅栏上,它就会断的。

30、Recent events further added weight to their country.最近发生的事情更增加了他们国家的影响力。

weight翻译n. 重, 重量, 体重, 砝码, 重大, 影响, 力量vt. 加重量于, 压迫, 使加权, 称重量【计】 粗细【化】 权; 权重; 重量; 砝码【医】 重, 重量, 衡量, 法码, 砝码【经】 重量 详情






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